August 7, 2024Overview
Since our initial launch in June, the team has been working diligently to ship some key super powers we know you need. Your patience and support in the FMHero vision is appreciated more than you know. We are building something special, TOGETHER!
Now let’s unpack this release and see what enhancements you have to look forward to.
Release Enhancements
AI-Powered Name Plate Scanning
Introducing new AI Sidekick capabilities to our name plate scanning feature! Now, Heroes can achieve unparalleled accuracy when scanning name plates. Utilizing advanced AI, our new system precisely recognizes and extracts text data, transforming how technicians handle field service orders. With lightning speed and unmatched reliability, this enhancement ensures that every scan delivers the most accurate data possible, reducing the need for manual entry and streamlining your workflow. A feature that will only get better with time so we hope you love it.
P.S. If you have a hero name that you think would be great for your AI sidekick, let us know, we would love to see what the community comes up with.

More Field Services
We know that you have been waiting for more services and we are happy to say they are here. Now you can document the following:
- Services
- Recovery
- Charge
- Leak Inspection & Repair
- Install & Re-Install
- Retrofit
- Scrap
- Mothball
- Shutdown
Still missing something? Let us know in the feedback form.

No task is too small to be left unrecorded, brave hero! For all the general services that don’t require regulatory documentation, but provide details that tell the whole story of the service you provide, we’ve added the “Service” service type. Whether you’re tackling Capacitors, Thermostats, Controllers (oh my!), or taking on the challenges of Fans, Blower Motors, Sensors, Preventative Maintenance, and more, remember: every job fully documented is a victory achieved! Your dedication makes a difference every day!

Install / Re-Install Services
Welcome, Heroes! For all our HVAC/R champions out there, documenting your adventure just got more epic. Now, you can choose the “Install / Re-Install” service type when logging your heroic deeds in the field. Whether you’re installing a unit for the first time or re-installing one that’s been moved, you can now accurately pinpoint where the unit is installed utilizing precision placement on a map of the facility. This power-up ensures that your service histories shine with accuracy, bringing you one step closer to legendary status.
Shutdown and Mothball Services
Embrace your inner Hero and take control of your field with our new Shutdown and Mothball service flows. We’ve equipped you with the superpower to efficiently shutdown or mothball units when they need to be taken out of action. Whether it’s seasonal changes or maintenance issues, follow the process to either shutdown or mothball your equipment with a few swift taps. This ensures accurate documentation and keeps your fellow Heroes aligned in the mission towards optimal service and sustainability.
Leak Repair Service

Embark on a vital mission to restore HVAC/R systems to their optimal state! As a Hero, you now have a streamlined way to document leak repair services, ensuring a greener and more sustainable future. When a leak is detected, seamlessly document the entire repair process to uphold the integrity and functionality of the system. With this, you should also notice the new leak indicator on any unit that has a documented leak. Your actions not only ensure compliance but also contribute to heroically and collaboratively reducing ozone-depleting substances. Equip yourself with this powerful tool: the journey to environmental excellence starts now!
Scrap and Disposable Services
Technicians unite! Documenting details about units you scrap has never been easier. When the villains of waste try to hide, our HVAC/R Heroes can swiftly choose the new service flows dedicated to scrapping equipment, capturing all the relevant information effortlessly. This feature ensures no part of your hard work goes unrecorded, making your scrap reporting as dependable as your service!
Remove Asset from FSO
Users now have the flexibility to remove assets from a Field Service Order (FSO) if they were added by mistake or are not intended for service. This streamlined process helps maintain the integrity of the FSO and enhances the overall user experience.
Track Flammable Refrigerant
We’ve introduced an ability to identify assets with flammable class materials. Safety is a vital part of the mission, and with the industry push to using more flammables, we thought this was an important detail to consider. Stay sharp and keep those recovery missions successful!
Hero Feedback
Once you have used the mobile application and get some bearing, you may be prompted for your feedback. Our mission is to support your every day heroism, so please let us know what you think, we would love the opportunity to earn your 5 star opinion.
That’s a wrap!
That’s all for now, but there is more to come. We are working to get you these vital transmissions sooner, so stay tuned for more as we make these releases more frequent. If you love what you’re seeing, let us know and be sure to recruit other Heroes to the cause.
Onward and Upward!