August 16, 2024We’re back with some quality of life features to make things a little easier for new heroes joining the ranks. It’s the little things that sometimes make a big difference, so check these ones out.
Heroes Guide to Scanning Equipment
Newly inducted FMHeroes will now receive guidance on their initial quest. As soon as you sign up, log in, and access your Heads Up Display (HUD), you’ll be directed to the “Scan Equipment” option via the Hero Shield. This critical first step ensures new heroes dive into action without confusion! It’s your starting point to conquer field service orders and become a sustainability champion!
Toast Message
Raise a glass to a job well done! It’s nice to know after scheduling an appointment or creating an FSO that your efforts were logged successfully, so now you should notice a new toast message notification at the top of the screen confirming your action. This will also provide you with a link in case you want to jump straight into your new record.

Improved Field Service Listing
Now, instead of a cluttered popup, you have a dedicated page showing all possible field services you can complete on an asset. With some of the extra space we even added some nice icons we hope you like.
Wrap Up
It means so much to our team to deliver new features to you early and often so we our happy to ship these updates to you and hopefully make your day. Keep up the great work out there and know that we are doing best over here to support your efforts.